Using Tab: Working with Guitar Pro Tab files


Most TrueFire courses come with interactive tab files, GP5, GPX, or GP (courses produced prior to 2013 may have .ptb files). A separate tab program is required to work with these files. We recommend students install either Tux Guitar (free) or Guitar Pro (paid).

NOTE: The installation of a separate tab software is optional, but recommended. You will receive PDF charts of the same tabs. Using an interactive tab software simply increases your learning experience, but is not necessary for your course purchase.

Both Guitar Pro and Tux Guitar are Windows and Mac compatible, are actively supported and both deliver excellent functionality and performance. 

Guitar Pro (Paid)

The complete guitar software for writing and playing tablature or standard score.

Guitar Pro is a musical software program offering all of the functionalities that all guitarists need.
Edit, visualize and share your scores
Learn to play or improve your technique
Accompany yourself by creating the instrumental tracks of your choice
Enjoy a series of essential tools: scale-validating tool, tuner, metronome, guitar fretboard...

>> Purchase and Download Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro Help Guides
For more information on how to use Guitar Pro please see the support section on the Guitar Pro website here.


Tux Guitar (Free)

Tux Guitar is a free software that works great with Mac Windows & Linux. With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features

Tablature editor
Score Viewer
Multitrack display
Autoscroll while playing
Note duration management
Various effects (bend, slide, vibrato, hammer-on/pull-off)
Support for triplets (5,6,7,9,10,11,12)
Repeat open and close
Time signature management
Tempo management
Imports and exports gp3,gp4 and gp5 files

Download Options

Mac (OS 5-9) & Windows Compatible: Download
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to select the download applicable to your computer.

Mac 10.10+ users are having compatibility issues with Tux Guitar. We are currently investigating ways to resolve this issue.

Tux Guitar Installation Guides

>> How to Install Tux Guitar on Windows

NOTE: Once installed you may be asked to install a Java program. Please follow the steps to install the Java program to allow the Tux Guitar to work. You do not have to install the Ask Toolbar as a part of the Java installation process.


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