Anti-Virus is blocking the Player from Downloading


Your Anti-Virus program may block the Desktop or In the Jam App (TrueFireInstaller.exe or In_The_Jam_Win.exe) from downloading and installing.

Please change the settings in Norton/Avast (etc) to allow this program to download. We 100% Guarantee the safety of this installation program.


To allow Norton to download the program, select the menu options in the low right corner of your task bar.

Disable Smart Firewall

Disable Antivirus Auto-Protect



To allow Avast to download the program, select the menu options in the low right corner of your task bar.

Right-click on the Avast program. Select Avast Shields control > Disable for 10 minutes.


Once the TrueFireInstaller.exe or In_The_Jam_Win.exe file is download and installed properly, you can re-configure the settings. 

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